About Humanley

For over a decade, Daniel Roytas worked as a lecturer and senior lecturer at various educational institutions across Australia. During this time, he taught nutritional and naturopathic medicine to thousands of college and university undergraduate students, whilst working in his own clinical practice. In addition to this, Daniel regularly presented for a number of associations, product companies, and non-government organisations.

In 2020, Daniel launched Humanley, with the intention of delivering high quality, online professional development courses targeted toward practitioners with an interest in natural medicine. Despite feeling that something was desperately wrong in the field of health and wellness, he could never quite put his finger on it. After interviewing various doctors and scientists on the Humanley Podcast, his suspicions were confirmed.

As Daniel's consciousness shifted, he was confronted with the harsh reality that everything he thought he knew about the human body, medicine, nutrition, and naturopathy, was wrong. Determined to find the truth, Daniel embarked on a journey of self-discovery. This required him to let go of more than 15 years of knowledge he had acquired through pure indoctrination and start from the ground up. Over the last four years, Daniel has come to a completely newfound understanding about health and wellness which he now shares with like-minded people from across the world.